Installation of Migration Tool:
To use the nupgrade.exe tool, please ensure to select Migration Tools while installing Notes Client.
Once installed, the nupgrade.exe tool will be available in the Notes Installation directory i.e. where you have selected to install the Notes Client. (By default, it gets installed to C:\Program Files\IBM\Lotus\Notes directory)
Steps to use nUpgrade.exe:
·Ensure that both Notes Client and Outlook/Outlook Express are installed and configured on same machine.
·Open a command prompt window and change the directory to Notes Installation directory (eg. c:\Program Files\Lotus\Notes).
·Once there, in the command prompt:
·For Outlook, type: nupgrade 3, and press enter.
·For Outlook Express, type: nupgrade 4, and press enter.

·This will launch the “Lotus Notes Upgrade Services” splash screen. Click Next.
·Select the appropriate profile that you created for Outlook and click Next. Make sure that Outlook is set as default client on machine, otherwise, following error might occur:

Once Outlook is set as default Mail client, the Outlook profiles should be populated properly:

·Make sure Express is selected, and click Next.
·This will start the conversion process.
·Email will be saved to the a_PersonalFolders.nsf file and contacts will be inserted into the Personal Address book (names.nsf),
Setting up the Migrated Emails as Archive:
·Open the Notes Client and goto Actions -> Archive -> Settings Option in menu.
·Create a new Archive Profile.
·Specify Name of Archive Profile, Click the Enable button and specify the relative path of .NSF file saved from the Migration process (IMPORTANT!)
·Specify the Archive Selection Criteria and set it to "selected by user".
Once done, click OK button.
The Archive Mailbox should be available in Notes Client Left Menu now.
Click the link to open the Old Emails.
Also, use the Advanced Search functionality to search across Mailbox and All Archives in single click !!
The Search will show results from all different Archives and Mailfile: